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Look both ways before crossing the road.

Eva Leersnyder

Just like my mother said, look both ways before crossing the street. This is important when it comes to walking and training your dog as well.

How many owners are dragged out into the street by their dog? They aren't looking and other people aren't looking. The bad habit of letting your dog just walk into the street, before you look, could be fatal.

You can do TWO things!

Whenever you come to an intersection shorten your leash and keep your dog close to you - for example, in a heel. Give them a command like sit/stay/break before allowing them to cross the street.


When you are coming to an intersection where you have to cross the road train your dog to WAIT for you and WAIT for your permission to cross the road.

You should be paying attention to your surroundings and your dog should be paying attention to you.

Teach your dog the word "wait", which means that they should stop and wait for you wherever they are. In teaching this, your dog doesn't necessarily have to be by your side before crossing the road, they just need to know wait/break, or wait/stay/break.

*Bring your dog's motivator in the beginning to aid in their focus and attention on you.



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